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Full Name: Br3@Nn@ §RiFfi+H$
Ethnicity: White/Caucasian
Sign: Virgo
Description: stephanie andrews steph_BTC is a smelly using povo slurt, and fiddles wiv lil kids, nd she carries diseas, no 1 likes her. Nd she tels lies "ALOT" and her own mum dnt luv her nd her family becoz of the way she is, UNO JUST STAYN =D
Interests: a 14 yr old grl puts it ova her, bt shes almost 18 shame, she is a carrier of clamitia ! Nd she molesterd a young kid and i hav tha proof no joke,, claudia her x tld me dat she didnt shower 4 2 weeks strait. Nd she dnt change her clothes YUKK
Body Type: Fit & toned
Education: High School
Job: Government
Salary: 80k-100k
Country: Australia
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