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Full Name: Ms.LoNeR 17
Sign: Libra
Description: ..iM aLiVe bUt iM lOsiN aLL mY dRiVe cOz eVrYtHiN wErE bEeN thRoUgh & eVrYtHiN abOuT u..SeEmEd tO bE a LiE!A gUiLtLEz tWiStEd LiE!iT mAdE mE lErN 2 hAtE u oR hAtE mYsElf 4 lEttiN iT pAz bY..aLL i hAd 2 sAy iS "GOODBYE", WeRe bEttEr oFF tHiS wAy..
Interests: Always Thinking Of You..
Education: High School
Job: Student
Country: Philippines
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