Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy

We will take appropriate measures to ensure that the Private Personal Information we have about you is accurate, up to date, complete, relevant and not misleading. You have the right to access the Private Personal Information we have collected about you and, if such Private Personal Information is inaccurate, you have the right to request that we correct such Private Personal Information or erase it. Note that we have the right to deny your access to your Private Personal Information and we also have the right to refuse to correct such Private Personal Information but, if we deny you access or refuse to correct, we will provide a reason why. You also have the right to request that we attach to your Private Personal Information any statement you furnish to us that indicates how your Private Personal Information should be changed. Once a correction has been made or a statement of correction attached to your Private Personal Information, we will undertake to inform each person to whom such Private Personal Information has been disclosed of such correction or statement. We require at least 20 business days to correct your Private Personal Information, although we will acknowledge your request to correct your Private Personal Information within 10 business days of receiving your request.

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