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TwizzTwon  41 M
And then holler we ain't got no life 😭😭😭😭😭
TwizzTwon  41 M
Dusty logged on to get mad about a shoe convo 😅😅
Sevcere  94 M
Thts Y Ion pay mffrs attention bcuz I know no1 cmin' 2my state lol
TwizzTwon  41 M
That's real kizzer 💯💯💯💯💯lol
V_I_V_A  39 F
Ppl will forever hate on something..
TwizzTwon  41 M
TwizzTwon  41 M
Lol uce. The dusties can't relate. They hate a show convo 😅😅😅
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