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BreakingNewsRg1  44
To restrooms n wait for men . Good strategy lol
Theallibi  22 M
Gummy stole his phone him the nursing station
TheInfamousTGUNN  93 M
How you been Jasmine? Busy I guess huh? We don't see you much 😢
AmericanJJ  M
Who else saw that? 🤣😅🤣😅🤣
BreakingNewsRg1  44
He gets drunk in chat .that's a red flag lol .probably that way he won't go
AmericanJJ  M
He literally just posted "jj doesn't go to men's baths enough" ..omg!!!
MiniLuver  44 F
Been but anyways thought I'd chime in for the fun of it 🤷‍♀️🧎‍♀️
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