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LLTK_RG1-Rickey  55 M
Well there's where they are punk the big nooty ones
Theallibi  22 M
That's Billy in the pic
Swifty_cent  51 M
They goin after pelosi hard tjei wamna kno how she made 200 million
Rabid_Rabbit0001  M
Yall will waste it on vowed and huwerrs
LLTK_RG1-Rickey  55 M
Mrf ur surviving on left over food ur mother dnt eat .
LLTK_RG1-Rickey  55 M
Look at ur pic fat disgusting thing .u ain't getting 880 lmao
Swifty_cent  51 M
They had ppl hired at federal jobs that dodnt exist
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