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kingdawgjr10  60 M
it wasa beef between two F00LS till dis guy explained it:O
dey talkn about da SB Halftime show rn on da News,I didn't even understand
Laceymeanbean85  39 F
Kendrick performance at the superball.. lol poor drake
kingdawgjr10  60 M
Whatever u want":((:((dats Gentle huh ouditTard
"Oh No Mr.President,We'll Put Ten Thousand troops onda Border,SukYoDk
Oudit  49 M
Why do BoysPets gain the whole world to lose his souls to the devil of hell
kingdawgjr10  60 M
said One Word...Tariffs:((dey folded lika Cheap Suit ina Suitcase:((
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