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wavie mae POST a pic of u in a Car, I GUARANTEE it's urFatUgly Bm's car!duh
Thuganomics103  37 M
Jrugs dealing got me a house car ect u a fake marine calling cops on chat
Thuganomics103  37 M
Dumb MF said Newark is South Jersey see he slow asf
jjrugg dealahSelln$5.bags to her Nursery Mates? I Doubt it PoorHoe
wavie mae,u think ur NastyWhoreAz dawta proud of her dad being a LowlyPaid
Thuganomics103  37 M
First of I live north jersey Dumas second I got a car unlike yo old gay as
&Selln dem for $75.Each! daNiggerIs D U M B DUMBasf just like hisWhoreMama!
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