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sKiTzOfRanTiK  27 M
I mean 🐩👩🏾‍🦲
sKiTzOfRanTiK  27 M
He was stuck in footsie 🐩🐕
sKiTzOfRanTiK  27 M
Then I said I'm just kidding use cold water
sKiTzOfRanTiK  27 M
I replied poor boiling hot water on ur 🤏🏾self
Kimjongpocket  43 M
You looking for hookers and booze
sKiTzOfRanTiK  27 M
Then he asked what should I do
sKiTzOfRanTiK  27 M
Dawg called Neeko one time said yo Neeko I stuck wit footsie
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